Product Management


Components are the fundamental building blocks for creating systems such as windows, doors, and shading solutions. Therefore, it is recommended to set up all components before creating a new system.

With few exceptions, all components are similarly structured and require a unique code, a name, and specific technical data.

For the Code field, only numbers, letters, and underscores are supported. Spaces or special characters cannot be used in the code.
For illustrations, filenames can contain numbers, letters, underscores, and hyphens. Filenames with spaces or unsupported special characters may not be consistently supported.
Image and vector graphic for front door panels

Infills are a special component because, in addition to an illustration, they also allow the use of SVG code, which can interpret the following variables:

Variable Description
$w Filling width
$h Filling height
$cx Half-width (center point)
$cy Half-height (center point)
gradient_glazing Glass surface
gradient_infill Base color
additional_color Additional color
application_color Application color
application_steel Stainless steel application

Example Code

<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy-500} L {$cx-260} {$cy-760} L $cx {$cy-760} L $cx {$cy-500} Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="gradient_glazing" ></path>
<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy-100} L {$cx-260} {$cy-360} L $cx {$cy-360} L $cx {$cy-100} Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="gradient_glazing" ></path>
<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy+40} L {$cx-260} {$cy+300} L $cx {$cy+300} L $cx {$cy+40} Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="gradient_glazing" ></path>
<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy+440} L {$cx-260} {$cy+700} L $cx {$cy+700} L $cx {$cy+440} Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="1" fill="gradient_glazing" ></path>

<path d="M {$cx-260} 0 L {$cx-260} $h Z" stroke="#dddddd" stroke-width="12"></path>

<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy-500} L $w {$cy-500} Z" stroke="#dddddd" stroke-width="12" ></path>
<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy-100} L $w {$cy-100} Z" stroke="#dddddd" stroke-width="12" ></path>
<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy+300} L $w {$cy+300} Z" stroke="#dddddd" stroke-width="12" ></path>
<path d="M {$cx-260} {$cy+700} L $w {$cy+700} Z" stroke="#dddddd" stroke-width="12" ></path>
Image and vector graphic of a window handle

Handles also support SVG code in addition to an illustration, which can interpret the following variables:

Variable Description
$colorHandle color
$wHandle width
$hHandle height
$cxHalf handle width (center point)
$cyHalf handle height (center point)
$vent_min_xWing minimum x-value
$vent_min_yWing minimum y-value
$vent_max_xWing maximum x-value
$vent_max_yWing maximum y-value
$vent_widthWing width
$vent_heightWing height
$vent_face_widthWing profile width
$vent_cxHalf wing width (center point)
$vent_cyHalf wing height (center point)

Example Code

<path d="m 0.1325,12.4585 c 0,-16.4348912 28,-16.4348912 28,0 v 37 c 0,14.74256 -28,14.74256 -28,0 z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.265" fill="$color"></path>
<path d="M 25.46,32.21 A 11.35,13.62 0 0 1 14.11,45.83 11.35,13.62 0 0 1 2.76,32.21 11.35,13.62 0 0 1 14.11,18.59 11.35,13.62 0 0 1 25.46,32.21 Z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.265" fill="$color"></path>
<path d="m 3.1325,37.401239 c 0,-13.096 22,-13.096 22,0 l -2.5,110.480 c 0,4.312 -3.5,4.312 -8.5,4.312 -5,0 -8.5,0 -8.5,-4.30972 z" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.265" fill="$color"></path>
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